The Story of Us – Dedicated to advance education, research and innovation in Morocco & Africa
Vision 2030 faces various challenges that we must overcome by making difficult choices. Be they in...
Vision 2030 faces various challenges that we must overcome by making difficult choices. Be they in...
As a university oriented toward education, research, and innovation, we had to ask ourselves this question:...
To make our vision reality, we set up several workshops during the 2nd edition of Crowd...
In this episode, Dr. Hassan Radoine presents his thoughts on a ‘smart city’ concept. What surprises...
In this episode, Dr. Remy Sietchiping identifies smart cities in the context of Africa and Morocco...
In this episode, Professor Perry Yang, a distinguished speaker at the UM6P Africa Smart Cities Forum,...
The global demand for food, particularly in Africa, is projected to surge in the coming decades...
Fernando Diniz Moreira defines smart cities as those cities that respond intelligently to the needs and...
The built environment, as a vehicle of the architectural industry, ought to be considered as one...
In the context of digitalizing public administrations in Morocco, the High Commission for Planning (HCP) is...