8 young craftsmen competed in the category bonus on Monday, January 6, which included visiting the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) in Benguerir. Replay the week’s highlights:
Six weeks have passed since the start of the adventure. An experience rich in lessons for the apprentice craftsmen, who have developed their skills throughout the competition. It’s an important step in their different careers, as they have acquired new knowledge thanks to exchanges, masterclasses, and advice from the jurors. Seasoned experts in the 4 specialties, set the bar very high in this 6th prime, demanding exceptional handcrafted products from conception to finish, combining craftsmanship and design.
The face-off between candidates in 4 categories
This was a tough challenge that the artisans tackled with great motivation after they visited the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) in Benguerir. Read more

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