Prof. Ali Benmakhlouf explored Montaigne and His Translators at the learning center’s “Author’s Masterclass” series

Exploring the power of translation in philosophy!

On February 27, UM6P’s Learning Center welcomed Prof. Ali Benmakhlouf for the Author’s Masterclass series, where he discussed the influence of Montaigne’s works and how translations shape their interpretation across languages and cultures.

Prof. Ali Benmakhlouf leads a thought-provoking discussion on Montaigne and translation at UM6P’s Learning Center.

On the 27th of February, the Learning Center hosted Ali Benmakhlouf as part of the Author’s Masterclasses series at UM6P Campus in Benguerir.

A philosopher and author of the preface to Montaigne and His Translators, Benmakhlouf discussed the book’s exploration of Montaigne’s work and its translations over time.

The conversation highlighted how translation shapes the understanding of ideas across languages and cultures.

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