In this episode, Fatima Driouech, a lecturer and researcher at the International Water Research Institute (IWRI), shares her insights on the issue of water scarcity about climate change. She refers to climate science that should be enhanced in terms of observations, capacities, training, and modeling. She emphasizes the training of youths to become future decision-makers, enabling them to identify uncertainties, foster research in the domain, and devise effective strategies to mitigate greenhouse gases.
As the effects of climate change are not confined to Morocco or Africa, there is a need for a holistic approach at all scales—be it in agriculture, industry, or energy—to address the issue of climate change and reduce its impacts on the environment and water availability. According to Fatima Driouech, to limit greenhouse gas emissions, we must work on all levels, starting with citizens, to halt these emissions at certain thresholds before the impacts worsen.
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