Lecture: Life Cycle Thinking in Net-Zero Energy Buildings and Sustainable Community Development

UM6P Campus in Benguerir 
Friday, February 21th

Cultur.Ed is launching a time vault, which will be sealed on February 21st during UM6P Science Week and will remain closed until 2030.

This initiative celebrates the power of storytelling, aligning with the theme of culture.Ed’s NABNI #6 event, “Stories and Us,” and the 2025 Science Week theme, “Shaping the Future.”

The project invites participants to contribute a message, reflection, drawing, or vision that will be sealed in a time capsule, awaiting rediscovery by future generations.

Cultur.Ed has hosted several writing workshops and invites interested individuals to attend the next session on Monday, January 17th, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM on the 1st floor of Building B in the Modular at UM6P Benguerir.

Please fill out the form to confirm your participation:

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