University Mohammed VI Polytechnique is preparing to open a new branch in the world in a few months. This branch is the Digital Farming School in Yamoussoukro, the UM6P’s first branch in sub-Saharan Africa specializing in Agritech.
The announcement was made by Dr Mohamed Anouar Jamali, CEO of OCP Africa. ‘We are delighted to see OCP Group’s vision for supporting education in Africa to inspire change come to fruition with the forthcoming opening of the Digital Farming School in Yamoussoukro, the first UM6P branch in sub-Saharan Africa specializing in Agritech and the first school of its kind in Africa.
This project, supported by OCP Africa and born of a partnership between UM6P and the Institut national
Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (INP-HB) in Yamoussoukro, marks a major turning point for agricultural education and innovation in the region, he said.

By Aujourd’hui le Maroc
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