Morocco – France: A young delegation from UM6P opens the ball of citizen diplomacy

In the wake of the latest state visit to Morocco by the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and application of the High Royal Orientations expressed in the Royal inaugural speech of the legislative year of October 11, 2024, in which His Majesty King Mohammed VI called for the involvement of all Moroccans in the national diplomatic dynamic in favor of the sacred cause of the Moroccan Sahara, a delegation of students from the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) recently made an institutional visit to Paris.

his trip, which aims to consolidate the renewal of the Moroccan-French partnership and strengthen the traditional bonds of friendship between the two countries, in the light of France’s recognition of the Moroccan nature of the Sahara, enabled the young delegation, led by Ali Benyahia, a doctoral student in Economics at UM6P, to meet leading decision-makers on the French political and governmental scene, during visits to the main French government bodies. These included the Assemblée Nationale, where Franco-Moroccan parliamentary issues were explored; the Quai d’Orsay, where the diplomatic warming between the two countries was deciphered; and the Conseil Constitutionnel, a symbol of republican principles. The highlight of the trip was a prestigious guided tour of the Élysée Palace for the young Moroccan delegation.

The UM6P delegation was also received at the Kingdom’s Embassy, where Ambassador Samira Sitaïl, accompanied by her political advisor Yasmina Benbrahim, gave them a warm and committed welcome. “We were touched by the closeness and availability of Madame Sitail and her team. Their welcome reflects our Kingdom’s deep attachment to its young people”, said Ali Benyahia, chairman of the delegation, who concluded: ”This trip is not just a protocol visit. It illustrates a clear ambition: to actively involve Moroccan youth in writing the new book that unites the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of France”. Read the article

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