At University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, we host over 7000 students, with 80% receiving scholarships across both campuses in Rabat and Benguerir. This scholarship scheme allows (mainly via the OCP Foundation) to provide financial and moral support to our students and support them academically, especially the ones who do not have the necessary resources. UM6P’s scholarships are divided into main two categories: Scholarship of Excellence and Social Scholarship (FIRSI). Academic scholarships, based on academic excellence, are awarded in relation to entrance examination results and are intended to cover all or part of the tuition fees over the duration of the studies.
Financial Aid Grants are awarded annually by the Scholarships Committee based on social criteria, according to family income and expenses.
These scholarships are intended to cover all or just a part of the tuition fees, housing, and meals. By covering most of these costs, UM6P allows students to focus on their studies without the stress of financial burdens, as a result promoting their academic and personal development.
The testimonials below show that this program not only supports students but also acts as a catalyst for positive change in the educational system, encouraging excellence across all areas for our UM6P students and empowering their minds.

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