At the 5th edition of Science Week at the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Fouad Laroui, Scientific Director of the event, delivered a hard-hitting speech on the challenges facing science today. With eloquence tinged with concern, he denounced the rise of anti-science rhetoric, the loss of authority of experts, and the devastating impact of social networks on the credibility of knowledge.
Fouad Laroui opened his speech by recalling the golden age of science, from the scientific revolution of the 17th century to the 1980s. “At that time, science was uncontested. When people were ill, they went to the doctor. When there was an earthquake, we consulted specialists in plate tectonics. Nobody questioned that”, he explained.
However, he noted a worrying decline in science in recent decades. “Today, science is under threat. Many people see it as just another discourse, on par with opinions or beliefs. This is extremely dangerous,” he warned.
To illustrate his point, Laroui cited a striking example: “In the United States, a country that is a friend of Morocco, a person who does not believe in vaccines has been appointed Minister of Health. And this was approved by Congress. How did we get here?
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