UM6P launches “The Forge”, a support program dedicated to creating startups with global impact. Priority will be given to Moroccan entrepreneurs, including diaspora members, and founders from other African countries. Yassine Laghzioui, Managing Director of UM6P Ventures, explains the objectives and ambitions of this project.
The Moroccan and African Observer: Over the past four years, UM6P Ventures has supported a large number of startups from a variety of backgrounds. How would you sum up this experience?
Yassine Laghzioui: These four years of intense work have demonstrated the resilience and dynamism of the Moroccan entrepreneurial ecosystem, which is conducive to innovation and development. UM6P Ventures has supported more than 1,600 startups and entrepreneurial projects, over 60% of which have been successfully transformed into operational companies employing between 1 and 5 people. These startups operate in a wide range of sectors, including Agritech, Fintech, Cleantech, and Edtech. Read More

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