From curiosity to community in Morocco’s cyber world

The first episode of the Cyber Hub Podcast covers the diverse and dynamic landscape of cybersecurity. Presented by Hamza Lahrach, the podcast seeks to range between offensive and defensive cybersecurity strategies to bug bounty hunting for valuable insights among all novices and pros. Hamza introduces himself in the series with a lot of enthusiasm, inviting Aymen El Haski as a guest, one of the popular community members. As a guest and a potential co-host, Aymen would place himself as a bridge between the podcast and the greater cybersecurity community. Acknowledging the support of Times of UM6P for their technical support, the episode reflects a commitment to quality and collaboration that is to be emulated throughout the discussions that follow. Aymen’s personal journey into cybersecurity forms a strong narrative of how the process of developing expertise happens in such difficult and untrodden terrain. It was instigated as a child by his older brother, who is IT proficient, that fostered the inbuilt craving he had for problem handling.

This included, he mentions, playing, “most specifically the usage of cheat codes for the titles of Hercules and Yu-Gi-Oh! which kindled interest in the way systems would function from within”. These formed some of his early experiences that laid the bedrock for his technical exploration and introduced him to tools like Proxy, which would further his online gaming and expand his understanding of how networks connect. Aymen recalls that when he sought to learn about cybersecurity, it had been tough ground to break during a time when resources were scarce, let alone in Arabic; forums and other community efforts close critical gaps. His story accentuates the importance of resourcefulness, self-directed learning, and surmounting linguistic and technical barriers to learning cybersecurity. What this episode emphasises is that further technical competencies that anchor success in cybersecurity are unpacked with Aymen sharing insights from his journey as a coder.

He says one has to have basic knowledge in programming to understand vulnerabilities and how to handle them. His early work included coding in languages such as PHP, Python, and JavaScript, plus the development of software and plugins, which honed his problem-solving skills. Aymen stresses that while the ability to code is highly valued, cybersecurity also requires a curious mindset and the ability to adapt to an ever-changing threat landscape. The discussion highlights how technical knowledge, relevant experience, and community participation interact to bring about the kind of success one witnesses in the cybersecurity world.

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