UM6P Campus in Benguerir |
The Research Center for Arabic Classical Philosophy and Philosophy of Science is inviting you to a lecture entitled “The nature of QIRĀ’ĀT at the epistemological crossroads of KALĀM, UṢŪL ALFIQH and FALSAFA” as part of the seminar “Arabic Philosophy and Islamic Theology in the Classical Age”.
Dr. Hassan Chahdi is a lecturer in Islamology in the Theology Department at the University of Lorraine. Doctorate from the EPHE, in history and philology. Winner of the prize for the best French thesis (GIS- Moyen Orient et IISMM) and the SCHNEIDER/AGUIRRE-BASUALDO prize from the Chancellerie des universités de Paris).
The question of the transmission of the Qur’an and its textual variants (qirā’āt) has always aroused the interest of scholars. The position of Muslim orthodoxy is that the Qur’anic text and its variants are the exclusive fruit of divine revelation transmitted to Muhammad in accordance with the letter (lafẓ).
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